25 NOVEMBER 2024
Dear Friends:
At the conclusion of Provincial Synod on Sunday, September 22nd, Archbishop McNaughton informed us that it was her intention to step down as the Metropolitan. Today, as the Senior Bishop of BC and Yukon, I received her resignation as our Metropolitan. She remains the Bishop of Kootenay.
Archbishop McNaughton served the province with grace, vision, and fortitude. She gave sacrificially to her role. I have much gratitude for her and her brilliant leadership. The grace that she had in care for the Territory of the People in a time of profound crisis. Her vision of a province working collaboratively and compassionately. The fortitude to serve through what has been difficult years has been a blessing to me and the province.
The details for the Metropolitical election are being worked out. Provincial Synod Members, please save Saturday, January 18th, 2025, for the Zoom election. The last 2 elections were held in this format. The Prolocutor and Chancellor will coordinate the process as detailed in our Canons.
In the meantime, I will function as the acting-Metropolitan and work with the Provincial Executive and Council until our new Metropolitan is elected.
Please pray for Archbishop McNaughton in this time of transition. Pray for her family. Pray for the Diocese of Kootenay and her ministry with them. Pray for all involved in the upcoming election and for discernment of our next Metropolitan.
The Right Reverend David T J Lehmann
Bishop and Senior Bishop of BC and Yukon